Validation based on certain input?

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    May I start with saying your form is great and I really enjoy working with it. Thanks a lot for this.

    I have a question regarding the validation of the input fields in the process.php and how to get the following thing working:

    Let’s say I have two drop-down boxes, and the second drop-down box has to be validated, or NOT validated, based on the input value of the first.

    So when I select “option 1” in the first drop-down-box, an option also has to be selected from drop-down-box 2. But when I select “option 2” from the first drop-down-box, validation of the second drop-down-box is not requiered.

    Is this possible to implement? And if yes, how should I do that?

    Thanks in advance.

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    Thank you so very much, this worked like a charm!

    Kind regards

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