Validator to check if file already exists before uploading

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    I looked through the documentation, but I could not see a Validator that checks if a file exists. I saw the GetFileUploadValidator, but that did not seem to contain a file check.

    I could create an array of all the files in a directory/folder, and then using InArray Validator, but I would prefer to do is alert the user of the duplication and then give the option to Cancel or Overwrite the current file.

    Here is my current Validator/Filter with the InArray validator added.

     * Configure the upload element
     * Filters: (None)
     * Validators: FileUpload (Added automatically)
    $upload = new Quform_Element_File('upload');
    $upload->addFilters(array('trim', 'filename'));
    $upload->addValidator('inArray', array('haystack' => $curFiles));

    I realized that ‘inArray’ will not work at this point since the ‘filename’ does not yet exist until farther in the code.


    The below piece of code works in a test page, but I don’t know where I can place it to make it work properly within your code, if at all.

    The form is being used to upload a file to a directory and not to send an email or to a database.

                /** Create an array of file names in handout directory to check if file already exists **/
                    $dir = '../../handouts';
                    // get directory files
                    $dirfilenames = scandir($dir);
                    //get name of file to be uploaded
                    $files = $form->getValue('upload');
                    $filename = $files[0]['filename'];
                    //check if file exists
                    foreach( $dirfilenames as $value ){
                      if( $value == $filename ){
                            //terminating script with a message using exit() 
                            exit('File already exists!'); 
                    /** End of file exists check **/
                // Save to a MySQL database
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    Works perfectly. Thank you for the code and a great product.

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