Verification code section in form

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    I have an open question.
    We are going to build an landing page for a campaign for a client With some specific functionalities. using Quform for a lot of our websites I would like to use this plugin again.

    So the vistors flow is as follows:
    1. The visitor receives a flyer with a unique code printed on it.
    2. The visitor goes to the landing page and fills in a form (name, e-mail address, etc..) This form also contains a field for this unique code from the flyer.
    3. The form checks if the code is correct (it exists) and if it is not used before. So I would think it needs to check with a specific database where the codes are loaded in. and can be marked as used.

    Would something like this be possible in Quform?

    Hope you can help.

    Kind regards,
    Emile jansen

    Support Staff

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    Hi Ally,

    This works very simple. thank you.

    Do you know if there is a maximum amount of codes you can put in the Array validator? Will it slow down the website/form if I use for example 250,000 codes? I’ve now tested with 9999 thats seems to work fine.

    I see the “Avoid duplicates” works fine as well. So basically this checks the records in the same field for used codes?

    Thanks for your help so far.

    Kind regards,

    Support Staff

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    I’ll test it.
    Perfect, sounds simple enough.

    Thanks again Ally!

    Kind regards,

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