Verify Hooks ran and returned values on load

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    Hi there, I have a bit of a dilemmna. I have some hooks in my functions.php that run and return values on form load. They check the current user, looks up that user in the database, then return 5 variables to hidden fields. It works 98% of the time, but for whatever reason, whether it be server load, or response time from the database, the hooks sometimes do not return values to the hidden fields on load.

    Are there any ways to confirm if the hooks return values before allowing the the form to fully load? And if they do not populate the hidden fields, to have the form refresh?

    Or are there any other ways to combat this issue? I’ve already scaled up my web server and analyzed my php settings for best performance based on cores/ram.

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    I think I am going to try to limit any excessive scripts from loading on my form page first. I just noticed I have some js and ajax calls that don’t need to be there. I’ll reply back as soon as I know its looking better. Thanks Ally!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by jerkski.
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