WP Bootstrap Tabs conflict with Quform with logic condition.

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    I am using WB Bootstrap Tab plugin and when I use a form with logic condition I am unable to see the form, the form is being rendered but with visibility hidden class.

    Any suggestions how to disable WP Bootstrap Tab from loading on the form page, because I don’t need it in that page.
    Or maybe you can give me a solution how to workaround with your plugin.


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    Thanks for your reply, but I already solved it by taking bootstrap tabs function and related css from bootstrap dist and doing it manually without using wp_bootstrap plugin.

    Its working fine now, another question i have, is there an easy way to get a counter on the form?
    Basically the form is for price estimate and I would like to have an ID number for each form submitted.
    I will be nice to have it attached to the email or maybe even posting it on the form page itself (maybe by reading the last submitted form in the db and adding +1 to it)?

    I am thinking about using the id of the submitted from to the db, but I not really good with php & wordpress.

    I am a python programmer and doing wordpress just as a favor to a friend.
    I would appreciate any recommendation about achieving that.

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    Thanks for your reply, I am aware of that solution…. thanks.
    Is there a way to show the entry id on the form on the client side?
    I know that the entry id is being created after the submission, but maybe I can get the last entry id for the specific form id? I am not familiar with php code that much, but if you are willing to help ……..?

    I know how to edit ‘includes/form.php’ to display what I need. I am just missing the correct code to get the entry id from db.
    I am think of something like that to display to the client:

    {last entry_id + 1}-{post_id}-{date}

    Any help will be much appreciated.

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    Thank you very much…


    Hi again,

    Sorry to bother you again,
    Can you please help me modify the code so it will return the last id + 1 (like you did) but only for form with id #3 and not all forms.

    The way it is right now, its getting the last entry id from all forms, i just want it to be related to form #3.


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    Hi again.

    Is there a way to send the form also to the user who filled the form,
    maybe with a checkbox (Send email to self).
    It will pick up the user email from the email field in the form.


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    Hi again,

    If I have 7 different forms, I need to make this function (mytheme_send_form_user_copy)
    to all 7, like (mytheme_send_form1_user_copy), (mytheme_send_form2_user_copy)…..etc.?

    and the filter will look like this:
    add_filter(‘iphorm_pre_send_notification_email_2’, ‘mytheme_send_form1_user_copy’, 10, 3);
    add_filter(‘iphorm_pre_send_notification_email_2’, ‘mytheme_send_form2_user_copy’, 10, 3);?


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