WPML Support

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    do you have plans to support WPML. They now have a cool feature for only translating “language” content. It is not neccessary to duplicate each page. But pages with shortcodes is is still neccessary to duplicate the pages. This is not perfect. I have two licences and want still to use your QuForm Form editor in combination with the new time saving feature of wpml new translations.
    Thank you for your feedback

    Support Staff

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    thank you. At the moment it is only possible to duplicate “your” form – i know. Forms which get called through a menu item which referes the correct shortcord, can be called perfectly for different languages.

    But with forms, which get called out of or from “pages”, they cannot be translated using the new wpml feature. By using this feature the listed shortcode is not available for translation, so the “basic” language form gets called

    Since the WPML 4.5 Translate Anything feature (manual oder automatic mode) there is no need to duplicate the pages for each language. There exists a feature to only translate text oder links to the desired languages. So a simply layout change does not effect to maintain each single duplicated wordpress page for each language.

    So at the moment i need to duplicate your forms and the wordpress pages for each language. so it there a basic changes on the layout a page, each duplicated page need to be adopted manually.

    When do you have plans to support wpml and also the translation of shortcodes of pages to activate your forms…

    Thank you

    Support Staff

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    I´m in contact with the wpml support. they want to help.

    the get your form editors translateable by wpml the estimate to steps:

    a plugin is needed, to translate the quform shortcodes of the forms

    further implementation is neccessary so that the forms get multilanguage capable (without duplicating quforms)

    First they estimate, that – to get the shortcode translated – a plugin is neccessary. They provided me a sandbox installation of wordpress with wpml and they ask if i could upload the latest version of your tool on that testing site. But without key this is not possible,or?. how can we proceed?

    thank you

    ps. furthermore they suggest you to be part of that programm

    Go-Global Program

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    thank you – please keep me updated


    as theme i use themify ultra

    this is the link to the page:


    or do you need access to wordpress?


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Ally. Reason: Removed link

    maybe you can delete the post with the link afterwards…..

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    this works – thank you very much! perfect!

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