The custom filter hooks can be used to modify specific parts of the theme.
You can use the Hook name in from the table below with the WordPress function add_filter to modify the given value. This is an advanced topic, if you are unsure consult a developer. See the examples below the table.
Hook | Date type | Description |
tcr_status_avatar_size | integer | Default 65. The number passed to get_avatar in the Status post format template content-status.php |
tcr_image_sizes | array | The extra image sizes supported by the theme. The default at the time of writing is:array( 'react-512' => array('name' => 'React 512', 'width' => 512, 'height' => 0, 'crop' => false), 'react-768' => array('name' => 'React 768', 'width' => 768, 'height' => 0, 'crop' => false) ) |
tcr_current_post | object | Default is the value returned by get_queried_object(). |
tcr_styles | array | The array of CSS stylesheets used by the theme, adding additional styles to this array means they will be automatically enqueued and can be combined/minified and enabled/disabled on the Theme Options → Advanced → Performance page. See framework.php::tcr_get_styles(). |
tcr_scripts | array | The array of JavaScript scripts used by the theme, adding additional scripts to this array means they will be automatically enqueued and can be combined/minified and enabled/disabled on the Theme Options → Advanced → Performance page. See framework.php::tcr_get_scripts(). |
tcr_favicon_sizes | array | The array of favicon sizes to automatically generate. The default is:array(57,72,76,114,120,144,152,180) |
tcr_page_layout | string | Default ‘pge-bxd’. The option at Theme Options → Design → Layout → Page layout type. Options are:
tcr_header_tophead_type | string | Default ‘th-thin’. The option at Theme Options → Global → Header → Top header type. Options are:
tcr_serene_options | array | The configuration array for the full screen lightbox script “Serene”. See this page for options. |
tcr_background_image_url | string | The URL of the background image to display, loops through each of them before they are passed to the full screen background script. |
tcr_background_options | array | The configuration array for the full screen background script. See this page for options. |
tcr_head_contact_quform_id | integer | The form ID of the first Quform popup form in the header. |
tcr_head_contact_quform_id_sales | integer | The form ID of the sales Quform popup form in the header. |
tcr_head_contact_quform_id_support | integer | The form ID of the support Quform popup form in the header. |
tcr_logo_link_url | string | The URL that the logo should link to. |
tcr_contact_quform_id_infomenu | integer | The form ID of the Quform form to use in the Contact Info Menu item. |
tcr_footer_end_page_popout | string | The text/HTML to display in the small pop-out box when the user scrolls to the footer of the page. |
tcr_intro_title | string | The title text/HTML in the intro section. |
tcr_intro_subtitle | string | The subtitle text/HTML in the intro section. |
tcr_show_intro | boolean | Whether or not to display the intro section. |
tcr_show_intro_devices | array | The array of which devices to show the intro on. See the array layout in theme.php::tcr_intro() |
tcr_intro | string | The HTML of the intro section; shortcodes are parsed inside it |
tcr_layout | string | The page layout, one of: ‘left-sidebar’, ‘full-width’, ‘right-sidebar’ |
tcr_video | array | The configuration array for background videos videos. See the array layout in theme.php::tcr_set_video_background(). |
tcr_video_vimeo | array | The configuration array for Vimeo background videos. See the array layout in theme.php::tcr_set_video_background(). |
tcr_video_youtube | array | The configuration array for YouTube background videos. See the array layout in theme.php::tcr_set_video_background(). |
tcr_audio | array | The configuration array for background audio. See the array layout in theme.php::tcr_set_audio_background(). |
tcr_blog_featured_image_type tcr_page_featured_image_type tcr_portfolio_featured_image_type | string | The default is ‘above’. Sets the featured image type for these posts types in the blog page, archives and search results. Options are:
tcr_blog_featured_image tcr_page_featured_image tcr_portfolio_featured_image | boolean | Enables or disables the featured image for these posts types in the blog page, archives and search results. |
tcr_post_icon | string | Sets the FontAwesome icon to use for the current Post. See theme.php::tcr_post_icon() |
tcr_video_info | array | Get the video type and ID from a YouTube / Vimeo URL. See theme.php::tcr_get_video_info() |
tcr_get_sidebars | array | Get the array of theme sidebars. See widgets.php::tcr_get_sidebars() |
tcr_sidebar | string | The key of the sidebar to use on the current page. See widgets.php::tcr_dynamic_sidebar() |
tcr_pre_save_options | array | The theme options array before they are saved (admin side only). You must return the given $options from functions hooked to this. |
The code should be added to wp-content/themes/react-child/functions.php
Remove the sidebar on all archive pages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | function my_set_archive_layout($layout) { if (is_archive()) { $layout = 'full-width'; } return $layout; } add_filter('tcr_layout', 'my_set_archive_layout'); |
function my_set_archive_layout($layout) { if (is_archive()) { $layout = 'full-width'; } return $layout; } add_filter('tcr_layout', 'my_set_archive_layout');
Change the featured image type for a single post (post ID 15)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | function my_set_post15_image_type($type) { if (get_the_ID() == 15) { $type = 'left'; } return $type; } add_filter('tcr_blog_featured_image_type', 'my_set_post15_image_type'); |
function my_set_post15_image_type($type) { if (get_the_ID() == 15) { $type = 'left'; } return $type; } add_filter('tcr_blog_featured_image_type', 'my_set_post15_image_type');