The galleria shortcode allows you to display a gallery of images using the Galleria script. The options for this shortcode are shown below.
Option | Default | Example | Description |
transition | fade | transition="flash" | The transition animation type
speed | 5000 | speed="4000" | The slideshow interval in milliseconds |
width | 0 | width="500" | Set a fixed width of the gallery, if 0 it will fill the content area |
height | 0 | height="300" | Set a fixed height of the gallery, if 0 it will be set automatically |
image_crop | 0 | image_crop="1" | Defines how the main image will be cropped inside its container. See the Galleria documentation.
show_counter | 0 | show_counter="1" | Show the image counter |
show_imagenav | 0 | show_imagenav="1" | Show image navigation |
pause_on_interaction | 1 | pause_on_interaction="0" | The slideshow will pause when the user interacts with the gallery |
lightbox | 0 | lightbox="1" | Use a lightbox when the user clicks on an image |
[[galleria transition="flash" lightbox="1" width="500"] <img src="" alt="Image 1" /> <img src="" alt="Image 2" /> <img src="" alt="Image 3" /> [/galleria]]