Twitter widget

To add this widget, go to Appearance → Widgets on the WordPress menu and drag the widget with the title Storm – Twitter to your widget area. This widget will display a list of your recent tweets; enter your settings in the fields.

As of June 2013, Twitter now requires auth tokens in order to fetch Tweets from their API. This means you will need to create an App on the Twitter Developers website and generate the auth tokens.

1. Go to and sign in with your Twitter account.

2. Click on Create New App.

3. Give the application a name, description and website. It doesn’t really matter what you enter for these options. Click “Create your Twitter application”.

4. Once the application is created, click on the API Keys tab. On this page you will find the API key and API secret needed for the widget settings.

5. Click on Create my access token, you may need to refresh the page for them to show up. You should now see the last two fields you need to configure the widget – Access token and Access token secret.

6. You will now have all the information you need to configure the Twitter widget within WordPress:

  • Consumer key (API key)
  • Consumer secret (API secret)
  • Access token
  • Access token secret
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