Add form informations to another form

Home Forums Quform WordPress Add form informations to another form

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  • #37609

    Hey guys, i have problem.

    We use the quform plugin to have a little configurator at the beginning where we ask the customer some questions to then send him to a landing page where he gets informations what the recommended product is.

    At the end of the recommended product page is another form where the customer can get in contact with the sales team. Now they want that they also know what informations the customer added in the first form.

    So i noticed that i can add the fields from the first form aka the configurator to the “recommended product page” so they add up on the adress bar. Is there now a way to add these informations into the mail for the customer and the sales team? Or is there another way to do this?

    TLDR: i want to add the informations from one form to another and then into the confirmation email.

    Thanks for your support!

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    OK i see but is there a way to not show the fields on the second form and only show them in the mail?

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