Conditional Logic / Notifications

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  • #37078

    Hi and good afternoon,

    I want to send an email depending on the selection in a dropdown and a country. At the moment I create a combination for each country and each dropdown selection with the corresponding target email.

    Is there an easier way to do this? Can I say for example:
    If dropdown option 01 and country is France OR Spain OR … etc. then use email address 1.

    Or do I really have to repeat the same recipient for each option?

    And can I then create a field and say: If dropdown option 01 and country is NOT France OR Spain OR … etc. then use email address 2.

    Thanks a lot and bye


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    One more question to simplify the notifications.

    I have several options via a dropdown (country selection):

    Selection 1: Country A – Spain goes to
    Selection 2: Country B – France goes to
    Selection 3: Country C – England also goes to

    And all other countries (rest of the world) go to

    What is the easiest way to implement this?

    Many thanks

    Support Staff

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