Conditional Radio Button Options in JQUERY

Home Forums Quform WordPress Conditional Radio Button Options in JQUERY

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  • #27764

    Hi Ally,

    I want to dynamically generate a radio button group.

    The options within the generated group will be dictated by a previous answer given by the user through a parent radio group.

    This is a JQUERY/Javascript project as the form isn’t submitted so Hooks are out.

    Looking at the structure of your code for div.quform-input-radio and the .quform-options I see an auto-generated form element ID (id="quform_2_81_18a0cd_1").

    Is this a magic value/id? OR can I use any unique ID when I auto-build the radio input group options?

    Code for one radio option:

    <div class="quform-option">
        <input type="radio" name="quform_2_81" <strong>id="quform_2_81_18a0cd_1"</strong> class="quform-field quform-field-radio quform-field-2_81 quform-field-2_81_1" value="DBVALUE">
            <label for="quform_2_81_18a0cd_1" class="quform-option-label quform-option-label-2_81_1"><span class="quform-option-icon-selected"><i class="fa fa-desktop"></i></span><span class="quform-option-text">USERLABEL</span> 

    The above block will be auto-built as some radio button groups have more/less options which means I can’t just change field label or value.

    Thanks for advice.


    Hi Ally,

    Just following up to see if you have had a chance to read above.

    I don’t need you to write anything (my job); what I do need is confirmation on your algorithm for generating radio button option IDENTIFIERS.

    If I create my own unique identifier and keep your prefix “quform_2_81_” and trailing suffix “_#” will everything BIND okay?

    So my thinking is:

    I populate the “######” part of the <input id="quform_2_81_######_1" ....> with my own 6 character unique alphanumeric code for EACH auto-generated RADIO GROUP/SET. And I should be okay.


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