Create button to 2nd page from a multiple page form

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  • #34235

    Hi Ally.
    I’ve created a form with multiple pages and it has the following form:

    – At the first page its a simple radio button to choose (i’m giving three options for the user to choose) and each option it takes the user to the 2nd page – step that he has chosen based on his option.
    – by choosing option 1 it takes him to page 2,
    – by choosing option 2 it takes him to page 3,
    – by choosing option 3 it takes him to page 4.

    I have set conditional logic to the Page settings of page 2, 3 and 4 to show the specific page only if it the user choose the relevant option 1, 2, 3 at page 1.
    as well when the user clicks the radio button option to redirect to the next page 2, 3 or 4.

    everything on the above are fine.

    Also i have (based on your guide for dynamic default value) added a parameter for the url (/?radio_choose_option=option_1) for the user to CLICK a button anywhere in the website i may want to add the url for the page that has the specific form and open the page that the QuForm is and the option at the radio button to be selected.

    What i need is HOW to also make it when the user click the BUTTON with the url (wherever that might be in the website), for eg. with parameter ‘/?radio_choose_option=option_1’ to go right away to the page 2 of the multiple pages form and so on for option 2 and 3 and not just to the page 1 by having selected the option in the radio button and need to click the next button to go to the next page?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Ally.
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