“There was a problem – Ajax Error” after submitting data form

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    There is a problem with my forms on my website. They are not working properly when they are filled from a mobile browser connected to a mobile network, After pressing the “submit button”, the user gets a red box message: “There was a problem – Ajax Error”. If the user fill the form from a mobile browser connected to a Wifi network, then, all the proccess is working properly.
    My problem is very similar to these other threads on the forum:
    * https://support.themecatcher.net/forums/topic/ajax-error-5
    * https://support.themecatcher.net/forums/topic/there-was-a-problem-ajax-error-4

    There are three simple forms on my website. Please, I need your help. I’ve read all the threads related to this issue, trying every piece of advice from them, but I could not find out how to fix it. The php logs and webserver logs don’t have any error message related to,
    Kind regards,

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    Thank you for your quick answer.

    I’ve tried it on a different devices and different users. Also, I’ve tried it on different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera) on the same device.

    I’ve sent two links privately using your Feedback form.

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    Thank you very much for your help. I’ve fixed it. You were right and the problem was on configuration of Stop Spammers plugin. By default, It checks ALL the forms on the website, not just comments and logins.
    There is an option to check only comments and logins. Go to Stop Spammers — Protection Options and turn on the option “Only Use the Plugin for Standard WordPress Forms” in Form Checking. Now it’s working fine.

    The problem was not related to have a WiFi Access or mobile Access, It was because of the list of IP Addresses allowed. By default, Stop Spammer plugin sets the IP address of your desktop’s website connection in the allowed IP address list.

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