Enable this option and you will receive 30%% of the first deposit or purchase amount from any referrals when users click on the referral link. You will first need to sign up for the %1$sEnvato Market affiliate program%2$s, then create a link to the %3$sQuform Landing Page%4$s. This affiliate program is run by Envato, we have no control over payments or issues that may arise, so you would need to contact Envato if you need help. See the %5$sAffiliate Program General Terms%6$s for more information.
Enable this option and you will receive 30%% of the first deposit or purchase amount from any referrals when users click on the referral link. You will first need to sign up for the %1$sEnvato Market affiliate program%2$s, then create a link to the %3$sQuform Landing Page%4$s. This affiliate program is run by Envato, we have no control over payments or issues that may arise, so you would need to contact Envato if you need help. See the %5$sAffiliate Program General Terms%6$s for more information.
Enable this option and you will receive 30%% of the first deposit or purchase amount from any referrals when users click on the referral link. You will first need to sign up for the %1$sEnvato Market affiliate program%2$s, then create a link to the %3$sQuform Landing Page%4$s. This affiliate program is run by Envato, we have no control over payments or issues that may arise, so you would need to contact Envato if you need help. See the %5$sAffiliate Program General Terms%6$s for more information.
translators: %%: percentage sign (must be doubled), %1$s: open link tag to program, %2$s: close link tag, %3$s: open link tag to Quform, %4$s: close link tag, %5$s: open link tag to program terms, %6$s: close link tag