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    That can readily be achieved by selecting eah of the the options and going to Settings/and make sure Logic is selected. From here you can show or hide any element depending on what selection previously matches set rules
    Each field is the same as a group and logic can be set for any of them.

    Hope that helps


    Its been nearly 4 years since the topic of Partial Entries was discussed. With the increasing cost of traffic and Advertising its imperative we collect EVERY Potential Lead. Meaning when users enter email address or Name + Email, it Automatically Create an Entries for specific form (validates if entry already made, if so update record).

    From a custom development I’ve implemented this in 4 organization and we’ve seem Leads and conversions from potential(partial leads) increased by 4% on average.

    Can we put this feature on the building block for Next Update. There’s MUCH Value already in QuForm. Not wasting Leads is Key to serious marketer.

    I think its pretty straight forward, feel free to inbox me with any question on workflow.



    It would be great if Quform support data encryption for field value saved in database.

    Currently, I have tried to implement it by altering the core files in Quform and using another wordpress Plugin Gravitate Encryption. Two new filter hooks are added to the core files of Quform, see attachments.

    The RSA asymmetric key is managed by Gravitate Plugin.

    Add following code the the function.php or custom plugin for Form to encrypt those fields using RSA public key.

    function ait_quform_decrypt_field($value){

    $GDS_Encryption = new GDS_Encryption_Class();
    $decrypt_value = $GDS_Encryption->decrypt($value);
    return $decrypt_value;
    return $value;

    add_filter(‘ait_quform_decrypt_field_value’, ‘ait_quform_decrypt_field’);

    function ait_quform_encrypt_field($value){
    //skip email for encryption
    if(filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
    return $value;
    $GDS_Encryption = new GDS_Encryption_Class();
    $encrypt_value = $GDS_Encryption->encrypt($value);
    return $encrypt_value;
    return $value;

    add_filter(‘ait_quform_encrypt_field_value’, ‘ait_quform_encrypt_field’);


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Venom.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Please allow to add Custom CSS Classes to all elements, not just input elements (e.g. Groups, Pages, etc)!


    1. Hidden fields with CONDITIONAL LOGIC

    2. New hook for custom validators to allow validation of empty fields

    3. Customisable entry view, so you can add layout groups, columns and drag and drop fields, insert HTML blocks for instructions and custom presentation etc.

    Basically reusing the form builder but in READ ONLY FIELD view…

    4. Custom CSS and Custom JS field ALSO at form level (so code unique to a single form doesn’t get loaded with all forms)

    5. Expanded conditional logic that also allows sub-levels and complex AND OR groupings, and set and get of field values

    6. More filters like Uppercase, Titlecase, Sentence case, currency, add prefix, add suffix



    Add more informative alert message for session timeout in QuForm Edit.

    “NONCE_CHECK_FAILED” –> Sorry, can’t save changes, session timed out

    Also need to prevent lost work with timeouts.

    Can we have a session count-down visible or a way to change session time?


    The forums are like a knowledge base and we could find previous answers that were relevant if we had better ways of filtering and finding tickets.

    Could you add sub topic for QuForm 1 and QuForm 2 versions?

    Could ticket state be used as a view/filter state eg Search tickets open, search tickets closed

    Could you add tag categories so tickets could be classified by the user and used in search:

    – validation
    – data export
    – entry view
    – hooks
    – email
    – confirmation email
    – popup form

    If we had these extra options we could browse the forums and find hints we could use.


    Entries List view – add setting to allow the display of additional data columns

    Add ability to filter list by date range and view status

    Add ability to “click column name” and sort ascending/descending

    Add ability to “group by” IP number, user fields like email, phone



    Picture to support my posting May 4, 2018 at 1:59 am

    RE: Add more informative alert message for session timeout in QuForm Edit.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    1. HOOK to extend Field Validators and Filters, so we can add our own.
    2. HOOK for setting field defaults in ADMIN mode (for fields that have visibility Admin)



    It would be great to have custom CSS available for each individual form, as in Settings. Unfortunately, the custom CSS under Settings is not taken into account in the preview of a single form.

    The default of the CSS selectors under Global CSS Styles for individual forms is a good idea. However, this loses a lot of flexibility. I don’t have the possibility to define my own CSS classes. Here there should be another option, which works like under Settings -> Custom CSS & JS.


    It would be great if you added a hook for quform_pre_export, or similar, that would permit manipulation of the field values exported from Quforms.
    In my current case, my client uses custom values in the <Select> options which we would like to alter for the export to excel. She frequently uses commas in those options, which can be very difficult to parse in Excel.

    One example:  (single entry with two values):
    Folsom MOB – Tuesdays, 5:15-6, CR3A&B, Point West MOB – Thursdays, 5:15-6, CR3

    I use a filter on notifications to turn these values into linked bulleted lists. It would be great if I could do similar to remove the superfluous values on export.
    Thanks for creating a wonderful plugin and forums full of hooks and other customizations!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by michael_baxter. Reason: removing br tag

    I thougth of 2 features that’ll be cool for Quform (both available in LimeSurvey):
    1. An expiration date to forms, so we don’t have to deactivate the form on due date.
    2. Ability to create multilangage form and display a language switcher to the user.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Ifremer.

    One more feature: conditional logic file attachment in notification (for example, if the user choose answer “A”, send “1.pdf”, if “B” send “2.pdf”…)


    Would really like to have a barcode or qr code reader built into my form. How it would work: code is attached to the asset the customer is writing in about. They are prompted to scan the code on the asset while filling out the form. The unique ID in the code is then automatically entered into the form.

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