- Adding a form element
- Removing a form element
- Adding a Date element
- Adding a Time element
- Adding a multiple value element
- File uploads
- Storing file uploads
- Adding an element description
- Confirm email element
- Changing the required error message – “This field is required”
- Making a field required
- Making a field not required
Styling, themes & layout
- Changing the form theme
- Input and button sizes
- Changing layout using Groups
- Label options
- Changing the tooltips
- Changing the animated loading gif
- Changing the success message
- Quform in a popup (lightbox) – Fancybox 2
- Redirecting to another page after the form is submitted
- Multiple forms
- Displaying a global form error
- Quform in a popup (lightbox) – Colorbox
- Changing / adding notification email recipients
- Sending the form user an autoreply email
- Customising the autoreply email
- Customising the email
- Changing the notification email subject
- Adding extra data to the notification email
- Sending emails via an SMTP server
- Sending a plain text email
- Setting the “From” address
- Different notification email recipients based on chosen subject
- Changing the label of an element in the email
- How to add the user’s IP address to the email
- Accessing submitted form data from inside the emails
- Advanced email settings