Opening times

The Opening times shortcode allows you to display your Opening Times in a neat format. See examples here.

monMondaymon="Mon"Translate or change the name of the day
mon_time(empty)mon_time="9am - 5pm"Add a time relating to that day
tueTuesdaytue="Tue"Translate or change the name of the day
tue_time(empty)tue_time="9am - 5pm"Add a time relating to that day
wedWednesdaywed="Wed"Translate or change the name of the day
wed_time(empty)wed_time="9am - 5pm"Add a time relating to that day
thuThursdaythu="Thurs"Translate or change the name of the day
thu_time(empty)thu_time="9am - 5pm"Add a time relating to that day
friFridayfri="Fri"Translate or change the name of the day
fri_time(empty)fri_time="9am - 5pm"Add a time relating to that day
satSaturdaysat="Sat"Translate or change the name of the day
sat_time(empty)sat_time="9am - 5pm"Add a time relating to that day
sunSundaysun="Sun"Translate or change the name of the day
sun_time(empty)sun_time="9am - 5pm"Add a time relating to that day


[openingtimes mon_time="9am - 5pm" tue_time="9am - 5pm" wed_time="9am - 5pm" thu_time="9am - 5pm" fri_time="9am - 5pm" sat_time="9am - 5pm" sun_time="9am - 5pm"]
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