Fancybox is a Jquery lightbox pop up solution. React uses it throughout the site for various functions. Such as:
- Fancy box shortcode – Add your own Fancybox content via the Shortcode. See here.
- Quform Popup form – When you add a form using Quform shortcode generator you can choose to show it in a Lightbox. See here.
- Portfolio shortcode – Portfolio uses Fancybox for displaying images and video by default. You can also use the Serene fullscreen.
- WooCommerce Product images – Fancybox is used to enlarge the WooCommerce Product images.
Changing overlay colors
Options Panel → Components → More → Fancybox → Fancybox overlayChoose a custom color for the transparent overlay which surrounds the lightbox.
Changing content colors
Fancybox content area use the default global colors. It is always a variation of the content background colors.
Switch on or off
Go here to disable the Fancybox CSS code:Options Panel → Advanced → Performance → Disable CSS output → Fancybox 2
Go here to disable the Fancybox JS code:Options Panel → Advanced → Performance → Disable JavaScript output → PFancybox 2