Plugin installation
Log in to WordPress and follow the steps below.
- Go to Appearance → Install Plugins
- Find the Quform plugin in the table and click Install.
- Once the plugin has installed, click Activate
Activating the Quform license
Activating the Quform license requires a purchase code. You can use your purchase code for React to activate your Quform license. Follow the steps below.
- Get your item purchase code for React, see this page for how to do that
- Go to Quform → Settings on the WordPress menu
- Paste your purchase code into the Enter license key field and click Verify
Creating forms
You can learn where and how to import forms to your website from the Importing Quform page.
As Quform is one of our own products you can also visit the Quform help section. You will find an in-depth user guide to help you build forms.
If you are having trouble with the plugin installation process, see the links below.